Remember reading the cereal box while you ate?

Hungry people, excited for their pizza, could be reading about your event on their box.

Pizza is a universal magnet drawing people together.

Whether it is a meeting, a party, big push cleaning efforts, volunteer campaigns or celebrating the big game, pizza is an irresistible crowd pleaser.

So, it probably wouldn’t surprise you that Nino’s is approached everyday to donate pizza to wonderful, worthy, amazing causes.

Since we must choose who to gets free pizza, we created another way we can support your event. Contact Nino’s with info about the event you would like to promote. If you are a match for us, we will promote your event on our pizza boxes.

You provide the promotional slips about your upcoming event, and we will tape them to our large and small boxes as we fold them. Have you seen our piles of boxes? That is a lot of exposure.

Nino’s hours:
Monday - Friday: 11:00am - 8:00pm

Saturdays 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Closed Sundays except by appointment for special orders.

We are ready to promote some good causes - one box at a time.


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