Drum roll puhleez!

Meet Noah

Say hello to Pieologist Noah!

Noah came aboard Nino’s in July. He took to the pizza station immediately and within a day he was making pizza. His pies are beautiful and he takes meticulous care of the pizza station, like a captain cares for his ship.

Noah researches different combinations of flavors every time he works, in search of the holy grail of pizza. He asks for feedback everyday on how to grow and improve. It takes guts to be open to receiving feedback.

Noah is focused while captaining the pizza station. It is physically demanding and mentally taxing. Everything is riding on the pie guy to keep the case full of a variety of slices and produce the box pies correctly and on time. There is little tolerance for flubs.

The pizza station is epicenter of our open kitchen, so when things go south, there is nowhere to hide. Noah displays the stamina and composure needed to weather the level of business we serve at Nino’s.

You impress us with

your grace under pressure 

We notice you and see your efforts toward continual improvement.

Thank you Noah. We appreciate you.

Nino’s hours:
Monday - Friday: 11:00am - 8:00pm

Saturdays 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Closed Sundays except by appointment for special orders.

At Nino’s, the more you learn, the more you earn


Welcome Back Leslie


Have you met this guy?