Welcome Back Leslie

True story: We are thrilled you are back!

Maybe you’ve noticed Leslie in the back of the house cranking out lunch specials lately. Or when he jumps in to move the lunch line and sling some slices,

“Hey brother. What can I get you?”

He’s the soft spoken, mild mannered guy handing you your lunch with a smile. We are all psyched & happy Leslie’s back. The man is a work horse AND he is fun to work with. He really GSD and raises the vibe.

Leslie is family man, a captivating story teller and writer. Nino’s flexible scheduling allows Leslie to navigate family life, school vacations and early releases.

He is humble, kind and embodies, “Drama is for the stage, not the kitchen.”

Leslie, your easy calm nature anchors Nino’s morning team and makes the transition from day to evening as smooth as a shiny new dough. Thanks for that! Thanks for hopping back into the flow.

We are grateful for you, Leslie.

We enjoy and appreciate you.

Nino’s hours:
Monday - Friday: 11:00am - 8:00pm Saturday 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Closed Sundays

Call ahead during the week to schedule large weekend orders outside of regular hours: 802-388-7755

Delivery available for large orders by appointment.


Raccoons and heifers and pigs, oh my!


Drum roll puhleez!